Monday, May 4, 2015

Certification Program on Embedded System

Dear Students 
We got permission to conduct 2 week Certification program on Embedded system and the output of this course is your mini projects where u can do on your own.
We are conducting in our College itself and dates are from June 1st to 15th June 2015.
Cost per student is Rs.2400/- along with kit.
I am attaching a detailed schedule gothrough it and let me know how many are u interested for this shortterm course. 
Respond to this as early as possible thereby i must confirm the same to our HOD, Management and Company people also.
Course highlights:
ü  Industry Recognized certifications after successful completion of the training.
ü  Live Project Development*.
ü  Additional Certificate of Project work from NEST, after completion of 2- week internship program*.
ü  Free Tool Kit and E-books would be provided for each module.
ü  Up to date course material especially designed by NEST  R&D team consisting of the latest applications in the corporate world and industry.

G Sreelakshmi
Associate Professor
Click on the below link to find COURSE DETAILS

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